
Take responsibility
At Brauns-Heitmann, we take responsibility for our actions as a company and as individuals. We are committed to climate protection and justice and are involved in society. In doing so, we are guided by the United Nations 2030 Agenda. This defined goals for sustainable development, the 17 Sustainable Developments Goals (SDG). They are intended to enable social, economic and ecological life for all people on earth.
To achieve this, we work with a range of partners, because the tasks are many and varied. They range from equal opportunities and health and safety in the workplace to product development and regional and international projects for more environmental and climate protection. We would like to introduce you to some of our partners here.

Unser Verpackungskodex
Aus Verpackung wird Müll. Damit aus dem Müll kein Problem wird, folgen wir unserem Verpackungskodex. Wir entwickeln die Verpackungen für unsere Produkte nach dem Prinzip vermeiden, reduzieren, wiederaufbereiten und verbessern. Dazu arbeiten wir mit versierten Partnern zusammen und schaffen Lösungen, die zu einer effizienten Kreislaufwirtschaft beitragen. So sind wir zum Beispiel Gründungsmitglied des Forum Rezyklat. In diesem Forum haben sich namhafte Akteure wie dm, Der Grüne Punkt, Henkel, Unilever oder WWF zusammengeschlossen, um gemeinsam das Recycling und den Einsatz von Rezyklat zu fördern.
In den letzten Jahren haben wir bei Brauns-Heitmann bereits viel erreicht. Alle Faltschachteln sind FSC®-zertifiziert. Ein Großteil dieser Schachteln enthält zudem 95 Prozent Altpapier. Nahezu alle Flaschen unseres Sortiments lassen sich zu über 90 Prozent recyceln und über 50 Prozent unserer Flaschen und Eimer sind aus Rezyklat-Material gefertigt. Bei unserer Marke HEITMANN pure bestehen alle Flaschen zu mindestens 97 Prozent aus Rezyklat. Für die Zukunft möchten wir noch besser werden. Wir werden uns auf Monomaterialien fokussieren, denn diese lassen sich besonders gut recyceln. Außerdem werden wir den Anteil von Neukunststoff in unseren Verpackungen bis 2024 um weitere 50 Prozent senken. Bis 2027 sollen zudem alle Verpackungen von Brauns-Heitmann vollständig wiederverwendbar, recycelbar oder kompostierbar sein.
Protecting forests
We use paper from sustainable forestry and recycled paper for our folding boxes. To this end, we work together with the Forest Stewardship Council. This non-profit organisation is known by the abbreviation FSC®. Wood and paper products certified with the FSC® label are produced according to strict international guidelines for sustainable forestry. The certification is considered to be one of the most demanding in the world in this area. To meet the FSC® standard, the forests must be managed according to ecological and social criteria, and the rights of the people living there must be respected and given special protection.
Creating value together
Brauns-Heitmann is one of the founding members of the Recyclate Forum. Here, we work together with stakeholders from all areas of the circular economy. Under the motto ‘Recycling together. Creating value together.’ we are committed to practical and consumer-oriented solutions for recycled packaging. Our particular focus is on the use of recyclates, i.e. recycled plastic. Read here how Brauns-Heitmann is developing more sustainable packaging.
Small animals, big impact
Insects account for seven out of ten animal species on earth. However, their diversity has declined drastically in recent decades, in Germany by 42 per cent. Yet insects make an important contribution to the ecosystem, including pollination. The initiative Insektenhelden (insect heroes) is committed to protecting these small animals by creating habitats for insects. We are happy to support this and have created a 20,000-square-metre protected area for the crawling and flying animals on our company premises.
Good work
As a family-run company, Brauns-Heitmann is firmly rooted in Germany and the region. As an employer, we take responsibility for our employees and for Germany as a business location. Equal opportunities and health and safety are two important aspects that we are constantly developing. Employees from more than 20 nations work at the Warburg site. 20 per cent of employees have been with the company for more than 25 years. Find out more about Brauns-Heitmann as an employer.